YPWP Loyalty Reward Points Program

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YPWP Loyalty Reward Points Program

Postby mikeo  » Tue 19 Apr 11, 21:26

An extra lotta lotto for your money ...or your money back!

YPWP is pleased to announce this evening it's Reward Points program ahead of launch.

  • collect FREE loyalty points
    earn valuable points everytime you visit and participate in the worlds fastest growing Lottery Syndicate
  • redeem a great selection of rewards, simple!
    FREE lottery tickets & subscriptions giveaway, affiliate tools, You Play FREEplay prize draw & so much more!
  • following our official opening
    if your syndicate doesn't win at least 1 prize within 12 consecutive weeks, we'll REFUND 100% of your entry fees
Start collecting today!

Reward Points are earnt for:
  1. Points per topic: 1.00 Reward Points
  2. Points per new post: 1.00 Reward Points
  3. Points per attachment in a new post: 1.00 Reward Points
  4. Points for new polls: 1.00 Reward Points
  5. Points per blog entry: 1.00 Reward Points
  6. Points per blog comment: 1.00 Reward Points
  7. Points per attachment in a blog: 1.00 Reward Points
  8. Points for polls in a blog: 1.00 Reward Points
A full breakdown of your Reward Points & the great selection of rewards you may redeem them against will be publicised shortly in tandem with the release of our You Play FREEplay prize draw.
Kind regards,
Mike Oxford - YPWP Managing Director & Moderator (mikeo)
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Posts: 117
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Joined: Thu 20 Jan 11, 15:37
Location: Birmingham, UK
Has thanked: 1675 times
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Reward Points: 377

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