Introducing our New Share Tool Analytics
Today, we have the pleasure of unveiling news of our new Share Tool Analytics, now with audience interests. This new suite of tools not only tells you what users have shared and how many clicks those shares have driven, but also shows you the topics that interest your sharers, influencers and clickers the most. Interests are displayed by levels of intensity versus a binary, "like" or don't like.
Having a window into the interests of the people who share on a site is invaluable. By better understanding what influencers care about, you can optimise content to drive more sharing and -- ultimately -- traffic back to your site from social media properties. Click tracking was added to your Share Tool at approx 13:00 hours this afternoon and it will take at least 48 hours for clicks and viral lift to show up in your analytics reports. Once data collection has begun, you will find your analytics reports by visiting your Share Tool within your Affiliate Center backoffice.
The technology underlying these new features is called the Implicit Interest Graph. Utilising our reach of monthly users and a powerful real-time data processing engine, we've created a digital map of the connection between people and the things they care about most.
The new Share Tool Analytics is the first of many products we plan to release, leveraging our scale and this new technology, to give more value back to our publisher network. We're excited about this release and the possibilities ahead.