by results » Sat 22 Jun 13, 23:14
50 winners matched 3 Balls in the UK Lotto draw on 22/06/2013 from Al Ahmedi, Alberta, Antrim, British Columbia, Cheshire, County Mayo, County Kilkenny, Cornwall, Devon, East Sussex, Essex, Fife, Flintshire, Greater Manchester, Hampshire, Highland, Île-de-France, Lancashire, Leitrim, London, Merseyside, Middlesex, Morbihan, Nizhny Novgorod, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Pembrokeshire, Quebec, Queensland, Riga, South Lanarkshire, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Surrey, Swansea, Tyne and Wear, United Arab Emirates, West Midlands, Wiltshire and Worcestershire.