by results » Wed 15 Dec 21, 03:40
50 winners matched 2 Balls + 1 Star in the EuroMillions draw on 14/12/2021 from Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Bedfordshire, Borders, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, County Antrim, County Carlow, County Mayo, County Tyrone, County Wexford, Derbyshire, East Riding of Yorkshire, East Sussex, Essex, Glasgow, Greater Manchester, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Humberside, Kent, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Leinster, London, North Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Pembrokeshire, Renfrewshire, South Yorkshire, Surrey, Torfaen, Warwickshire, West Midlands, West Sussex, West Yorkshire and Western Isles.