Lotto Quadruple Rollovers

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Lotto Quadruple Rollovers

Postby paulvev  » Wed 16 Feb 11, 21:32

ImageAs experienced Lotto players will know, the current National Lottery rules only allow the Lotto jackpot to roll over three times in a row, and if the triple rollover jackpot isn’t won outright then it is shared between players who match five main numbers and the Bonus Ball. This rule will be changing from Saturday 12 February so that Lotto jackpots will be able to roll a fourth time, making quadruple rollovers a distinct possibility. That means the potential for even bigger Lotto jackpots and even more excitement!

Of course, quad rollovers won’t suddenly start appearing just because the rules are changing. Right now it is relatively rare for the Lotto game to roll over three times in a row, so the chances of the jackpot rolling over four times in a row will be even smaller. The good news is that if four rollovers do occur, the jackpot in that quad rollover draw will be massive. Triple Lotto rollovers of £18 million and £22 million have been up for grabs in the past, so a quad Lotto rollover would probably be even bigger and well worth the wait!
Paul Veverka - YPWP Moderator & Affiliate (paulvev)
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