You Play We Play cause chaos in spectacular online 48 hour publicity ploy.
You have just witnessed the world being introduced to the next generation of Online Syndicate system and what a stir it has created. Within just 48 short hours the You Play We Play sensation has swept not only through Europe but across the globe. 341 new members have swarmed in their masses to join the excitement since our pre-launch. Members from a further 16 countries illustrates how you are now part of a brand already seen to currently excel in 53 countries. By combining social networking and the unique offerings You Play We Play will deliver throughout 2011, we have all seen the unprecedented level of interest amongst the 1277 unique visitors and a combined 9810 page requests in its initial 48 hour period. Interest, demonstrating to you and our competitors alike, that no amount of money or national TV airtime could possibly contend with our Marketing Tools & Strategy, in such a short space of time and directed solely to your target audience. Product take-up from new members currently stands at an amazing 16% already demonstrating global consumer demand.
Harnessing and integrating the power of our social networking features has only just evolved and with further extensive development is already set to rapidly become the next global market leader. Within this short space of time you have already seen us develop an array of features of which we are adamant you will agree are industry leading.
In line with the company's current marketing strategy, including international press coverage, our Official Launch date will be the 1st of February 2011. On this date we will re-open for syndicate entries. During this time access to the website will continue and further developments will become available on a regular basis up until our Official Launch.
Within our initial 48 hours, You Play We Play has already received welcome feedback regarding our continued development of your services, a fair proportion of these are already in line with our major development plans and will be delivered imminently in time for our Official Launch; fresh ideas have also been brought to our attention and as per Our Guarantee "we won't rest on our laurels. If you feel there is any way in which we can improve the quality of our services further" we will act upon it "to deliver the highest level of service, ensuring we not only meet but exceed your expectations!" Sharing the benefit of the syndicate and ways in which to develop your profitable business will take on more forms than ever imaginable.
In line with the companies ethos of transparency and credibility we bring you breaking news of our proposed developments pre-launch...
Did someone mention payments? Perhaps now's time to receive details of your Bumper Bonus. Congratulations to those of you already benefiting from the You Play We Play syndicate. The company has this evening already actioned payments for wins and commission... Where's the Bonus? As a bumper thank you for joining at these early stages, the company has doubled its reward to you. That's right, double your winnings, double your commission, double the gratitude. We see our relationship as a two way street and reward those who chose to be a part of this phenomenon and in particular, from its inception. Going forward, as our company undoubtedly grows, we will always offer extra incentives alongside our existing 6 tier Multi-Level Bonus... much like our recent stunt, you won't know when they're coming... but you'll certainly know when they've been!
A particular mention must go to our leading affiliate team at MLMCore Forums found at, headed currently by our leading affiliate Paul Veverka who with the help of his exploding team in under 48 hours have recruited no less than 108 members. We must convey our personal congratulations direct from the board room to him and his team. A financial reward has left the building and is en-route to MLMCore founder Paul to help him and his team evolve. The team at MLMCore fully understand the power of our business model and we suggest you visit our dedicated section located at ... %28YPWP%29 for some inspirational support.
...and now back to our development program.
We appreciate the world will be eagerly awaiting this announcement and a certain level of discretion is required to protect the interests of your future business. As regular members to our website you will be able to watch the drama unfold whilst you develop your down-line in the run-up to February 1st. What we can report... the sky is the limit, and as You Play We Play evolves into a real community your business will soon reach astronomical new heights.
You have already witnessed within 48 hours the power of our ingenuity and the cyberspace chaos we have already created. Existing MLM may have suffered over recent times; however You Play We Play brings you an un-rivalled solution at the forefront of the next generation and will continue to develop its services up until and beyond our Official Launch on February 1st.
You have already had the first glimpse of this exciting new frenzy set to dominate this marketplace, not only nationally but globally. You Play We Play have already provided you the opportunity to have a head start in our unique business opportunity. Spread the word, keep the fantastic momentum going and ensure when dawn breaks on the 1st of February, you are among those already benefiting from the wonders of this social networking revolution that is set to continue to grow in its already exponential fashion.
On a personal level, we would like to thank ALL of our members for their time and support, rest assured we are very proud to share this extremely exciting opportunity with you and look forward to working alongside you in what is set to be a momentous year in global social networking history.
Lets "Play together, Win together" and look forward to a prosperous 2011.