Early in 2006, our founder members sought a simple way to mathematically increase our chances of winning the UK National Lotto.
With no apparent solution available, in which to manage the syndicate online, You Play We Play fast evolved.
You Play We Play has grown exponentially through the initial support of its founder members, demonstrating a vast and genuine consumer demand. You can safely say that any person, aged 16 or above, who plays the Lottery is a genuine prospect wanting to increase their chances of winning the Lottery.
Whilst the You Play We Play Lottery Syndicate phenomenon fast escalated, ways in which to manage payments and lottery winnings alike became a logistical challenge. Alongside major website enhancements, building industry relationships and with the quick addition of an electronic payments provider, it became evident that quite unintentionally what started out as a very simple and viable solution had quickly progressed into what you see today. You Play We Play is now a unique, fully featured, online lottery syndicate, available globally and already played in 189 countries.
With the infrastructure already in place and to further the success of our syndicate, the natural progression by unanimous agreement was to offer participation to the public. "If only we could win the Lottery" is a cliché that resounds across homes throughout the UK.
By mid-2006 a Limited Company was formed to protect the interests of its founder members,
whose passion for the integrity of the business, set out a list of promises to our members which still provides the same principles of Our Guarantee to you today.
Since opening its doors to the public, You Play We Play has already obtained and continues to strive for accreditation from multi-national regulatory bodies to be a global market leader in our sector.